Monday, November 1, 2021

My experience with speeches

 Day... Whatever I don't even know anymore of lockdown. Blog 1 in November. 40th blog!

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! No gives! Haha!

(I originally wrote this on Google Docs but I wanted to share it with you guys!)

Speeches... Speeches... Ugh... It makes me shudder even saying the word. I hate speeches. Yes, I hate them. All they do is make me more and more nervous and every time I do one I can just hear my brain whispering: Rieza... You can’t do this... You’re not confident enough… Your speech isn’t good…

I absolutely hate them.

Even though teachers say they “boost your confidence”, I think the exact opposite. And I don’t think I’m the only one. Many other people support my opinion. I am a very shy person especially when it comes to public speaking. I haven’t actually presented in front of my school, because my speech is never good enough, and I’m glad they aren't. I’m just gonna keep making bad speeches so I don’t get into the finals.

 There was this one time last year where I wasn’t presenting in front of the school, but I was presenting in front of 90 people. It took me about 20 seconds to build up the courage to pull my queue cards out and start reading. 90 people is just about enough to make me shake and embarrass myself. And of course, my brain was screaming at me that I can’t do it and I should just run away. Yes, I was thinking about doing that.

I am so glad that speeches look like they are going to be cancelled this year. I made a speech, but I don’t even think it’s three minutes long anyways.

It seems you have made it to the end of my blog post. Thank you for taking the time to read it! Have a good day!


  1. Kia ora Rieza. Thank you for being brave and sharing your thoughts and feelings on your blog. I think that takes more courage than speaking to a room. I'm also quite shy and used to get nervous teaching students. Then when I got my current job I was very nervous when working with other teachers (and principals). But the more I did it the more confident I became. Maybe you could use a tool like Screencasitfy to practise your speaking?

  2. Aloha Rieza!
    Flick and a kick for being too quick! Hehe
    Nice blog! You write a lot of info here, it is really funny!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
