Friday, August 27, 2021

Origami Frog fail

 Hello readers,

Yes, it's another fail blog. This time it's about an origami jumping frog I tried to make. I don't know why I tried to make A frog. Even though the teacher gave us way easier options like an origami cat, or dog, but I chose frog for some reason.

The one thing I did enjoy though was.. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What I think about origami is just tedious folding paper again and again until it makes A shape, or animal. I think that is very boring. I hope this picture explains everything:

A beautiful piece of paper ruined into a mutant frog-rabbit or something, I don't even know anymore.

I think what I can do better next time is that maybe I should get actual origami paper and not cut A normal piece of paper into  A 15x15cm paper. I also think I should practice my folding-in-half skill better because as you can see, I am very, very bad.

Also, if you want to know how to make A origami frog yourself,  Here's A google slide by Me:


  1. LOL hahahahahahahahahahaha that was so funny reiaza

  2. How did you get the slide inside your blog I can't do it

    1. Check the room 21 classroom I replied to you on that and told you how to do it

    2. I agree with Lisa B. This was a really good attempt Rieza. Today I saw Justin's jumping frog that he was inspired to make from you. That is success right there!

  3. Hi Rieza, I don’t think your frog is a failure, in fact I think the fact you tried for a harder origami model is great, it means you wanted to try something your never done.
    A cat is easy but trying new challenges shows me that you like to try new things.
    I love how you described your frog though and I think your mutant frog is cool!
    Thank you for sharing your slideshow on how to make it.

  4. Sounds like you are developing a lot of resilence Rieza. I notice you are considering what you will do better next time, which indicates to me that this is not the last origami you will make.
    Thanks for sharing your amusing blog.

  5. Great job Rieza,it was a cute nice frog
